Thursday, May 13, 2021

Top 3 exercises to avoid at the gym : Part 1

Are you heading back to the gym after a long layoff? You are in good company. It's time to turn our Covid bods into beach bods. Which makes this a good time to review Dr. Schafer's list of most common gym exercises to avoid. Let's dive right in. #1 Seated leg press
To be clear, I am not saying that everyone who goes near this machine will wreck their back permanently. But I have observed it to be a major factor in people who like to weight train, but have periodic problems with their back. It seems like a safe exercise because you are seated. But that is exactly what is wrong with it. This exercise tries to replicate a squatting motion without having the person stand. If you turn the image 45 degrees clockwise and imagine the person has her feet on the floor, you start to get the idea of the problem.
To be lifting any weight withe the spine is this position is less than ideal. This obviously does not resemble a squat. The person invariably rounds their low back in order to perform the lift. This changes the curvature of the lumbar spine to a more flexed position, which is commonly associated with intervertebral disc injury. Also, in this position, the low back muscles are stretched out. They remain in this position during the entire motion. Muscles are known to be stronger when they get shorter. To have them lengthened throughout this movement sets them up for fatigue and failure. Skip this one and do some dumbell deadlifts instead. Stay with lighter weights if you are concerned about straining your back. To be continued....

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