Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Runner's Rule

As a chiropractor who happens to have a lot of patients who run for exercise, it has become clear that many are unaware of one very simple principle of running. USA Track and Field coaches call this the "Law of Progressive Overload". I like calling it the "10% Rule".
Simply put, your body cannot sustain increases in mileage or speed in excess of 10% per week. What does that mean, you say? It means that if your "long run" of the week is 5 miles one week, the next week's "long run" should be no more than 5.5 miles. It also applies to the total miles per week, and/or the average speed.

One can expect that the body will break down somewhere if this rule is broken. It will find your weakest link. You may develop knee pain, hip pain, foot pain, low back pain, or maybe even hamstring pain. As the weather improves over the next few months, please keep the 10% Rule in mind.