Thursday, August 25, 2011

Anticancer Tip #2

Avoid high glycemic index foods. Mostly this means no sugar, white bread, white rice, and white potatoes. These can be replaced with agave nectar, white grain bread, basmati or brown rice, and sweet potatoes/yams respectively. Recent studies suggest that cancerous tumors feed on high blood sugar levels, such as those seen in people with diabetes. More on this topic can be found in, Anticancer: A New Way Of Life by Dr. David Servan-Schreider MD, PHD.

Studies such as these are few and far between. Research for cancer is predominantly driven by sales of pharmaceuticals and medical technology. Youcan’t patent sweet potatoes, so there is little financial incentive to

research them.

Please consider donating by pledging money to Dr. Schafer’s first marathon run, held on October 16th. All money will be forwarded to the Anticancer Fund, to ensure more studies like this will be done.

For more information on the Anticancer Fund, see

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Anticancer Tip #1

“Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, and cranberries contain ellagic acid and a large number of polyphenols. They stimulate the mechanisms of elimination of carcinogenic substances and inhibit angiogenesis. Anthocyanidins and proanthocyanidins also promote apoptosis in cancer cells.”
-Dr. David Servan-Schrieber, MD, PhD, from the book “Anticancer, a New Way of Life”.
Studies such as these are few and far between because research for Cancer is predominantly driven by sales of pharmaceuticals and medical technology. Blueberries have little chance of getting notice because you can’t patent fruits and vegetables. Therefore there is little incentive for anyone to study them.
This is why the Anticancer Fund is so important. Please consider donating by pledging money to Dr. Schafer’s first marathon run. All money will be forwarded to the Anticancer Fund, to ensure more studies likes this will be done.
An once of prevention is worth a pound of cure.