Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Exercises to correct anterior pelvic tilt

Sitting is modern man's epidemic.  Tight hip flexors are the result of all this sitting, and this starts the dysfunction for many low back pain cases.  Anterior pelvic tilt is a common result of this dysfunction.  Bridge exercises are usually the go-to for many physical therapists and chiropractors, but often sloppy exercise form dominates. Time is wasted, and low back pain persists.  This version of pelvic tilting decreases the chances of incorrect form.  "Laying pelvic tilt", "kneeling pocket push", "kneel and lean", and "kneeling bridge" are the exercises covered in the attached video.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Wall Butt Bump Exercise

This video shows a "wall butt bump" exercise typically given for low back patients. It teaches the body how to bend forward without rounding the low back. When the low back rounds, there is more pressure on the intervertebral discs. When the lumbar spine stays in a neutral arched position, the body utilizes the gluteus maximus muscle to perform the lift. This is biomechanically advantageous since this is the biggest muscle in the human body. Patients are typically instructed to perform 10 reps 3 times per day.