Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Top 5 Running Mistakes

In the fall of 2010, I started training for the Grand Rapids Marathon in 2011. I had never run for exercise before. Gradually and slowly increasing my distance allowed me to complete the goal. However, it took me 12 months to get there, and more importantly, to do it without injury. Here I am in the final stretch, when my daughter decided to join me. When we crossed the finish line, she was quite upset that she did not get a medal. I tried giving her mine, but to her credit, she would not take it.

I try to inspire people to exercise in whatever capacity they can. I want to help my patients help themselves. When they do, I know that their long term success in fitness and health will translate into less pain overall. Yet there are always road blocks on the journey. Knowledge is key. If you want to run for exercise but are afraid, don't be. But be smart about how you train. And don't expect to go from running 0 miles to 26.2 overnight. So here are the most common mistakes made by beginners, and by those who just haven't done it for awhile.

1. Too much too soon.

This is easily the most common problem. Everybody has physical limitations. Testing your limits occasionally is good, but don't do it every time you run. Follow the 10% rule- don't increase your total weekly mileage or pace by more than 10% per week. That means you can't jump from running 1 mile to running 2 miles. Nor should you run 2 miles twice in one week, and then three times the next. It is the same principles for increasing your pace. Expect injury if you go from 14 minute mile (4.3 mph) to a 10 minute mile (6 mph).

2. Stretching but not strengthening calves.

It is just as often that I find weak calve muscles as I do short and tight calve muscles. It is also possible to have both. To test yourself, see if you are able to stand on one foot, then lift the heel. A surprising number of people can't do this. Compare right foot to left foot for how high the heel goes up. Usually you will feel one foot is not as strong, and your balance is worse. For this problem, do one leg calf raises at the bottom on the stairs, and hang on to one railing for balance if you need to. You can do the same on a curb with a signpost nearby. Go through a full range of motion up and down and pause briefly at each end. Think of it as an exercise that something between stretching and strengthening. Not only can weak calves lead to plantar fasciitis and achilles tendonitis, but it can also create overuse injuries at the hip or knee.

3. Stretching hamstrings with knees bent
Going down to touch your toes is probably the most common stretch done by runners. But in trying to push the limits of how far down they go, they will often unknowingly bend the knees. If you cannot fully straighten your knee, then you cannot correctly push off every time you stride. Your push-off will become a twist-off as the hip muscles try to make up for lack of knee motion. This can lead to hip or knee pain. Instead, try putting one leg on a chair or bench. Make absolutely sure your knee is straight. Then bring your toes toward you. If you still don't feel much stretch then stick your butt and chest out. When done correctly, even a contortionist will feel the stretch.

4. Foot Midline Crossover.
If you frequent a shoe store where they have a video treadmill setup, try using it the next time you are there. You don't need to be a specialist to see how one foot will be in the middle of the treadmill and the other will be out near the edge. If you can, ask the salesperson to drop a line down the center of the treadmill running surface, and count how many times each foot touches the "midline". I have seen many injuries on both the midline foot and the lateral foot. The midline foot supports more weight, but the lateral foot has to push harder to complete the same movement. Once again, the overuse scenario can produce pain at the foot, knee, or hip. One way to help overcome this is by "straddling the line". Find a high school track to run on. When you do, see if you can keep your right foot on the right side of the line, and the left foot on the left side of the line. This is surprisingly difficult for most people.

5. Doing the same run every time you run.
You will help stave off injuries if you can vary the terrain, distance, and pace of your run. If you do not, you are setting yourself up for a repetitive stress injury . Try running on a trail. You will notice your foot lands in a slightly different position every time. Many roads have a slant or a pitch to them to help water run off. Running on the same side of the road every time can create problems as your body tries to adjust for that slant. Try alternating types of running shoes, with different heel heights and arch supports. This will again vary the positions of your foot for every stride. Varying the pace and distance also can help. There are plenty of free couch to 5k running logs you can find online. Use those as a general guide, but listen to your body.

You are different. Your body is unique. Not everyone can or should do marathons, but most people can and should run. Especially if they like to.

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