Thursday, December 28, 2017

Running Resolution

If your New Year's resolution is to start running, you will likely need help. Runners are particularly at risk for injury. Recent studies indicate that half of ALL runners are injured each year. And if you are training for your first marathon, you actually have a 90% chance of sustaining an injury. We can provide you with a treadmill gait analysis to help reduce the chances of injury.

You may be asking yourself why you should see a chiropractor for a running gait analysis. It all boils down to experience. I started seeing an uptick in running related low back and hip pain about 10 years ago, just as the popularity of running surged. All of these patients also had one or more of the following: knee pain, IT band pain, ankle or foot pain. These were also directly related to their back pain. The only way I could resolve a runner's low back pain is to assess and correct all of these dysfunctions. The best way to asses is with gait analysis.

All too often people have been seeing a podiatrist for their foot pain, a knee specialist for their knee pain, and a physical therapist or chiropractor for their low back or hip pain. This rarely works because there is no integration. A knee does not work in isolation, so why treat it as such? The same goes for the foot and ankle. Only when you can assess, align, and integrate the whole body will you be back on your feet and running again.

Or if you are smart, you can correct the problems before they give you pain.

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